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Drum SetFred on the Sonor kit 1/01/2013 - short clips showing various approaches to technique and rhythm
TablaFred demonstrates tuning of the dayan Tuning the DayanAn exercise in Dadra (6 beats) #1 Dadra exercise 1An exercise in Dadra (6 beats) #2 Dadra exercise 2Check tuning and practice Check tuning and practicePracticing Ta, Tin, and Te-Re-Ke-Te bols Practicing Ta, Tin, and Te-Re-Ke-Te bolsPracticing Te-Re-Ke-Te bols Practicing Te-Re-Ke-Te bolsPracticing Te-Re-Ke-Te and De-Re bols Practicing Te-Re-Ke-Te and De-Re bols |
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04/07/23 2355 EDT |