Instruction Videos Page

Drum Set

Fred on the Sonor kit 1/01/2013 - short clips showing various approaches to technique and rhythm
Rudiments and a medium funk beat with rods
Displaced slow rock with Rods
Fast 6/8 jazz and fast rock
Slow march/swing
Displaced Songo/funk

Fred uses the click track on a Rhythm Watch to build an improvisation May 2013 Using Rhythm Watch as an Instrument

Fred's warm-up routines for daily practice and before recording Fred's practice routine 2016

A Songo (Afro-Cuban) groove on the Slingerlands A Songo Groove

A warm-up prior to a client recording session in 2016 Pre-session warmup

4/4 swing on the Gretsch kit with time and meter superimpositions Strange Gretsch Time

Jazz time and fills on the Gretsch kit Jazz time and fills on the Gretsch kit

Album session warm-up on the Sonor kit December 2016 Pre-session Warmup and Sound Check 2016


Fred demonstrates tuning of the dayan Tuning the Dayan

An exercise in Dadra (6 beats) #1 Dadra exercise 1

An exercise in Dadra (6 beats) #2 Dadra exercise 2

Check tuning and practice Check tuning and practice

Practicing Ta, Tin, and Te-Re-Ke-Te bols Practicing Ta, Tin, and Te-Re-Ke-Te bols

Practicing Te-Re-Ke-Te bols Practicing Te-Re-Ke-Te bols

Practicing Te-Re-Ke-Te and De-Re bols Practicing Te-Re-Ke-Te and De-Re bols

Performance Videos Page

Instructional Videos Page

Welch Drum Videos Page

04/07/23 2355 EDT